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Your Guide to Residential Alarm Installation in Vancouver

June 17th, 2022

With so many different types of home security systems available to residential consumers, choosing the right kind can feel like an uphill battle. Fortunately, you can quickly narrow down your options by first deciding on a few key features – your must-haves – and then working your way down from there.

What kind of must-haves? Here’s our list of features to consider when weighing your options for residential alarm installation around Vancouver.

24/7 Monitoring

Once installed, there are two ways to monitor your alarm system; some Vancouver residents choose systems where they can self-monitor, while others opt for 24/7 remote monitoring.
Here’s how the two systems differ and why you might prefer a monitored system for your family.

First, the vast majority of home intrusions or cases of vandalism occur when nobody is home. Whether you have installed a self-monitored residential alarm or a remotely monitored system, you’ll get a notification if your system has been triggered; however, you are responsible for notifying authorities with a self-monitored system. This may not present an issue when you are within cell signal range but could be a problem if you are out of reception or busy and can’t respond to the notification.

With a monitored system, you will still receive notification, but so will the remote monitoring service; if you don’t respond to the alarm, they can check the cameras and alert responders.


Years ago, bulky, professionally installed residential security systems were a homeowner’s only option, but today you have far more flexibility.

For a few hundred dollars, you can order a basic residential home security system, complete with cameras, door and motion sensors, and an alarm. You can install these systems on your own or, in some cases, pay extra for professional installation.

However, while saving money on professional residential alarm installation in Vancouver might sound appealing to your wallet, it doesn’t consider the benefits of opting for experienced technicians to handle your installation.

The suitability of DIY home alarm installation largely depends on the size and layout of your home, your security needs, and your level of tech-savvy. If you need to secure a large area, have specific concerns, or have limited handy person skills, you’re probably better off paying for professional installation.

Wired or Not

Another important factor to consider is whether you prefer a hardwired home security system or a wireless one.

Wireless cameras and alarm systems are powered by long-lasting batteries. Various system components communicate via radio frequency; there is no need for professional installation, although installation by an experienced team is often recommended. And because the system isn’t hardwired into your home’s electrical system, a wireless residential security system is very portable should you ever move or need to make changes to your system.

While completely weird home security systems are increasingly rare, they are still used in larger installations. These types of systems are powered by your home’s electrical system. While they offer a more reliable signal and do not depend on batteries (like wireless systems), they can be affected by power outages; however, most offer backup batteries, so you’re not left unprotected if the power temporarily goes out.

Other Features

Once you’ve considered the basics – monitoring, installation, and system type – you can start thinking about the system extras you might want. Most DIY and many professional installed residential security systems offer a basic setup with the ability to add custom features. Some popular security add-ons include:

• Extra indoor or outdoor cameras
• Doorbell camera
• Environmental sensors (fire, flood, and carbon monoxide)
• Smart locks
• Motion sensors
• Glass brake sensors

There are also several non-security add-ons you might want to include. Many of these features would only be available with professional residential security installations.

• Smart home assistant
• Lighting control
• Entry control
• Temperature control

A residential security system is an investment in your family’s long-term health and safety. So, while cost certainly factors into the decision, you should also consider the functions and features you want from the system. If you are not sure where to start, the team at Supertech Systems can help walk you through your options.